Tuesday, 16 November 2010


This is some work which is apart of the Neue Grafik magazine designs which are very structured, these stick of the grid section which designers have there as a basis for the work. The way that the left hand side of the text stays structured but the right is always jagged gives this a nice effect to when you look at it. This is inspiring to me and makes me want to read it. the way that the left hand side images are very neat and computerised and then the text to the right would be describing this, this magazine design has a reputation for only publishing things which are new design such as photography or printed to keep it looking neat and precise.

This is the front cover to the magazine which i was talking about above, this still sticks to the grid system which it follows by, this makes it all link together and thus creating a stronger outcome as a complete piece of design. 

This is a design from Man Ray and the name of it is "Gun with Alphabet" this is done on some photographic paper and which gives a different edge to the work that is created. The way in which this works is a light is shined onto the paper whilst the items are layered on top and then it develops, when the items are taken away this is the given outcome. This to me could be used as a strong piece of design as when text is added it could become a strong piece of design. 

This design is from an artist called lissitzky, the way in which he has created this style of work is similar to the work of Man Ray, the photographic paper was a strong choice back in the days when modernism was first getting brought into the design industry cause you could get some strong effects on it yet it was very simple to do. The way the style of "TINTE" has been laid over the top so it has gone pure white. this is a very way to create and draw attention towards it. I believe that this says Ink and is the key selling point for the advertisement and it works well due to the bold contrast.

This design is from Marius Turda, its a very basic design with the showing the red section is going somewhere as the red triangle is making its movement into the black area which has a positive space in the centre of the section. This shows how it could be going places or making a penetration, either way it also points to the text which is sat in this section, making it all highlighted and drawing you attention towards it, thus making this a successful piece of design.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Critical Studies Image Analysis Exercise

For this brief I am going to compare the two images to find out what the meanings are and how they are alike and contrast. The first thing that I notice is they are both war related but having different purposes we know this because of the dates on the Savile Lumley image, as it was created in 1915, and WW1 was between the dates of 1914 – 1918 thus proving it’s a propaganda poster, secondly the ‘Uncle Sam Range’ image is a very patriotic with Uncle Sam being the key point, this first implies to me that this is another propaganda poster but when you pay more attention towards the image you see otherwise. He sits in the centre of the room so this draws my attention towards him where as the key point of this instead is the way in which this advertisement is selling the cooking stove to the left, The Savile Lumley image delivers a much more clear message, this is a propaganda poster which uses the mans ego against him, doing this the designer has used a italicized font giving it the friendly and speech like style, the link in the text which relates to the last image is how the font style with the ‘YOU’ has been underlined and this is shadowed from the propaganda poster which Uncle Sam is best known because off.

Uncle Sams cooking range image has many messages that are being delivered towards you such as the clock which sits on the mantel piece, this has two dates, 1876 – 1776, this shows the one hundred years of independence, then there is also the three people sat towards the back of the room, they have three different states of America in the olden days, ‘Dixie (area of the cotton industry), West ( wild west, adventures and the land of the brave) and England, (immigrants came such as the Dutch and Irish) these represent the different states in which America was made up off and these are almost represented as the children of Uncle Sam.

These messages are very clear to say but deliver a strong message whereas in the Savile Lumley image they are a lot more discrete. The most noticeable is the young boy sat playing with his toy soldiers on the floor, this shows emasculation as the father couldn’t meet the boys expectations and this would be a huge hit to any mans ego, especially coming from a educated family. This plays on the emotions more as its showing how it would have effected you if you didn’t join the army to help your country, by the man in the chair holding eye contact with you it gives it that final personal message. It also implies that you would be wealthy within the image from the symbols of England on the curtains (Red Rose) and also on the chair there is the Royal Cress, these show well being and having some value within the home, this is shadowed across to the Uncle Sam image due to the slave doing the cooking on the left, you had to have a lot of wealth to own one, also the large service being cooked for the family.

A huge message, which is placed in the ‘Uncle Sam Range’, is the earth sat to the right of the table with a face one it, which is reading a list of foods which each country on the list, would typically eat. This shows a number of different things, it can show that the cooker is versatile as it can cook all of them foods, also how America is culturally superior towards the rest of the world as the cultural development has increased further than anyone else. The face which is coming out of the earth is a stereotypical foreign cultured face which is coming from Africa, this also could show how America reach out and don’t care about the differences again proving they are a better country than the rest.