Institutions and Institutional Power...
The Panopticon (below) was created in 1971
The main focus of this lecture is going to be on Michael Foucault who was born in 1926 and died in the year 1984. He was an activist and fought for gay rights, prisoner rights and much more. He was the guy who created the ideas of Madness and civilisation which shows the rise of the psychiatric doctors.
He also created discipline and punishment, this showed the rise of the prisoners and the officers who worked in these 'prisons'
Back in the old days there was a different approach and thought to what madness was, it was thought of in a positive way so to speak, this was due to way that people seen these as the jokers and they were entertaining to watch while they made idiots of themselves.
Then came the 1900's and things quickly changed and a more moral attitude became known and it was a disgrace to have this style of behaviour now. Those who didn't fit to the standard which was expected of the public were placed into what was called "The house of correction" also known as The Great Confinement (this was a place in which anyone who couldn't or wouldn't work, e.g. mothers, criminals or the insane were then placed to make sure that they could be changed into these people who were the perfect citizens.
This worked for a certain length of time but it soon had to change because the way in which it was all coming together, the insane started to change the sane and create more criminals and trouble makers then what actually entered the house of correction.
Asylums hence were created due to this issue, this is where the people who were imprisoned where trained like children to the degree that if you did something wrong you were punished and if you were to do something that was good you would then be rewarded for the things that you did.
Others way of which you were expected to respect the new morals which was going on, this was created through the way of "The Pillory" this was created to show a message to show others that if you don't act morally to the way that society expects you to then you will be publicly humiliated.
This made people to start to correct themselves on a new level so that you are able to work create the public to a way in which the government or the king wants.
This is the general layout which of the panopticon worked with, you can see the way in which each little station round the outside has a booth in which you can sit a single prisoner so that they can see the centre tower.
These above are some panopticons which are still around in Cuba, these are still in use and still applying there job well.
This here is the view from the inside of the panopticon, the tower that was in the centre was so that the guards could see into the each of the cells however, the guards in each of the cells couldn't see any of prisoners, this made is so that each prisoner could not interact with any other people and you felt like you were constantly under scrutiny and under a careful watch.
The centre tower wouldn't be lit up so you couldn't see inside and then you would have to wonder if you were being watched or not, this still created the sense of wondering and you would never be 100% sure. So it started to create this sense of of risk and if you misbehaved would you be caught. Hence the development of self control, this eventually lead to no need for guards as they couldn't see if there was some guards in there any more so due to it not being lit you just behaved yourself.
This style of prison was a way in which you can create a sense of...
Allows experiments on the prisoners
Also makes them more self productive.
This has now been implied into the more modern world, from the images below you can see how a work office has this open plan which is meant to be more contemporary and a more friendly working environment in which you can work and get things done so you can still talk to piers, yet it has a more stronger purpose where your boss can see what everyone is doing all the time. He wont even need to do anything except sit in his office, this is so that you can literally see him and know that he may be watching you so you don't miss behave.
All the above are examples of how it is implied in the modern day living. Ranging from libraries to pubs to educational environments.