No more innovation and originality things often get
Postmodernism - characterised by:
uses for the term postmodernism
after modernism
the historical era following the modern
contra modernism
equivalent to 'late capitalism' (Jameson)
artistic and stylistic eclecticism
'global village' phenomena - culture, products together
'15 July 1992, 3:32pm - modernism dies, according to Charles Jencks
Modernism. The idea that technology is improving the world celebrating it
Postmodernism. Rejecting it - questions everything
Park Hill in Sheffield - prime example of modernist international architecture thats failed
AT+T building
J. F. Lyotard
"the postmodern condition can be summarised as a total belief system - where you come from where your going to"
totalising belief system - "metanarratives"
Robert Venturi (quote on sheet)
Andy Warhol - nihilistic attack on the role of the artist - art that attacks arts meaning - rejection of the values of art
1984 - a new depthlessness - waning of affect
Marshall Mcluhan "advertising is the greatest art form of the 20th century"
Post Martisits and Graphic Designers
Memphis group
Jenny Holzer - abuse of power 1983
Adbusters - design anarchy issue 2001
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